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Ecovanavoce develops projects in a wide perspective, exalting above all the relationships between different and distant repertoires ranging from ancient and traditional to original contemporary music.

Founded at the beginning of 2004, it has been performing concerts in national and international festivals ever since:

Da Oriente a Occidente – concert performed in Italy and Egypt, respectively at the Volterra’s Cathedral and at the Darwish Theater, Stadium, New Library of Alexandria.

Vergine Bella – concert performed in Brescia, Cremona and Rome. The musical project was born for Il Canto delle Pietre 2004 early music festival.

Odisseo – performed in ancient Roman theaters and amphitheaters: Selinunte, Segesta, Siracusa, Pausilypon, Anfiteatro Campano di Santa Maria Capua Vetere, Anfiteatro di Grumento Nova, Teatri Romani di Teano, Sessa Aurunca, Ferento, Cassino, Abbazia Incompiuta di Venosa.

The Song of the Earth – concert performed in Siena, Rome, Latina, Naples, Caserta, and Catania. It is based on the meeting between folk and classical music, with particular reference to composers of the late 19th century, the period of national folk culture’s greatest influence on the field of music.

Marco Polo – soundtrack for the Sky’s Marco Polo Channel. Ecovanavoce’s music is about the story of an audacious modern Marco Polo who travels the route Venice-Peking on board of a scooter through Italy, Slovenia, Hungary, Ukraine, Bielorussia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Russia, Mongolia and China. The musical project was born for the label Paesaggi Italiani.

La Città degli Angeli – performed at Teatro Comunale di Modena for L’altra Danza 2006.

Tieste – soundtrack for Seneca’s play performed by the company “La Bottega del Pane”.

Shahrazàd – performed together Cinzia Maccagnano was born after an experience in Kals’Art 2005 at Zisa’s Arab-Norman Castle in Palermo, is based on the opera Arabian Nights and realized in collaboration with actresses Mariangela D’Abbraccio, Selene Gandini, Paila Pavese, Maria Rosaria Omaggio and Elisabetta Pozzi.

Aulularia – soundtrack for Plauto’s play performed by the company “La Bottega del Pane”.

La Duna e il Falcone - performed in ancient Roman theaters and archeological areas of Sardinia

Il Miglio Verde - original soundtrack for La7 Channel.

Ecovanavoce has collaborated with institutions as Provincia di Roma (concerts at the Musei Capitolini – Centrale Montemartini), Regione Lazio (recordings for the video “The Restauration of the Bible of St. Thomas”), Camera di Commercio di Roma (recordings and concert performed for the exhibition “Rome in the Middle Ages”), Comune di Roma (organization and artistic direction of the “Flamini’s Festival” in Malborghetto archaeological area), Discoteca di Stato (concerts at the Auditorium), Link Academy – University of Malta (organization and artistic direction for “Musica delle Antiche Stanze” e “ConTesti Festival” in Teatro Orangerie of Rome).

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